At the beginning of 1856, one Henry Lee Norris, late of New Jersey, came to Glasgow, Scotland with his friend and partner Spencer Thomas Parmelee to use Charles Goodyear’s patent to make India-rubber overshoes and boots.
They set up shop at the Castle Mill in Edinburgh. Their lease came with a pair of condensing steam engines and boilers. They made a little bit of anything and everything that included rubber, but it was their hunter’s boots that sold best.
When World Wars I and II came up, they made Wellington boots for the trenches almost exclusively. What was once the North British Rubber Company soon became Hunter Boot Ltd.
Why Hunter Boots Are So Popular?
For one thing, Hunter Boot holds many Royal Warrants by Appointment. This gives them permission to advertise that the British royal family purchases and uses their product.
When Elizabeth walks her corgis and Anne rides her horses, they may have Hunter Boots on their feet. When Charles and Wills go fox hunting, it’s with Hunter Boots. When Philip drives his carriage or goes out on his yacht it could be in Hunter Boots.
This is enough to give them plenty of prestige. If the boots are good enough for the Queen and a host of princes and princesses who could easily afford anything they wanted, the boots must be very good indeed.
What Are Hunter Boots Made Out Of?
Hunter boots are chiefly made out of latex rubber. This is a very flexible and waterproof material. Hunter Boots gets their rubber from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Their plantations and factories operate within standards that respect workers’ rights and the local environment.
Are Hunter Boots Warm?
They are not the warmest boots but they are good to wear in low temperatures.
What Temperature Can You Wear Hunter Boots In?
They should not be worn in weather conditions below freezing. This can cause the boots to crack. Hunter does have a cold collection that is suited to low temperatures. Their Sherpa boot can handle temperatures as low as 23° Fahrenheit.
The Snow boot can be worn as low as -8° Fahrenheit. Because latex rubber is not very breathable it can be assumed that Hunter Boots are not great in warm weather.
Can You Wear Hunter Boots In The Snow?
Well, you can certainly wear Hunter’s Snow boot in the snow. That’s what it was made for. However, most models of Hunter, such as the tall rain boot, are not suitable for the snow.
Do Hunter Boots Have Good Grip?
Hunter boots do have a thick sole that affords some traction. However, they are not thoroughly slip-resistant. It can be difficult to walk on icy or slippery surfaces in Hunter Boots.
Do Hunter Boots Keep Your Feet Warm?
The flagship product of Hunter Boots is a tall rain boot. It’s meant to keep the foot dry rather than strictly warm. Some models such as the Sherpa have a lining that will keep you warm, but most models are just for staying dry.
Do Hunter Boots Make Your Feet Sweat?
They are made of latex boots so they can. Always wear socks when wearing Hunter boots so that your feet don’t stick to them.
Are Hunter Boots Waterproof?
That is their biggest selling point. Their flagship product is a rain boot, after all. Latex rubber is completely waterproof and so will keep your feet dry in damp weather.
Why Do Hunter Boots Crack?
Rubber reacts differently to the cold than many other materials. Most materials contract when cold. Rubber actually expands even more than usual in the cold. The polymers stretch out and the material expands.
If the polymer bonds break, cracks can form. There are anti-oxidants that can be added to rubber to slow the process of cracking, but they can only do so much.
How Should Hunter Boots Fit?
Keep in mind that hunter boots only come in whole sizes. Because they are a bit clunky, you should go down if you usually wear a half size. A little snug is better than too big in this case.
Are Hunter Boots Supposed To Be Tight?
Hunter boots are available in a variety of calf circumferences. If the original is a bit tight for you, there is an adjustable fit that can extend a bit. The wide leg is very roomy. If the original is a bit loose for you, there is a slim fit.
Do Hunter Boots Run Big Or Small?
While Hunter boots are available only in whole sizes, they are true to size; neither too big nor too small. Some find them a little on the big side but on the whole, fairly accurate.
Do Hunter Boots Stretch?
Like most rubber boots, they do stretch some. You may have to wear the boots for a while to get them broken in. The frozen water trick isn’t recommended as this can make the rubber crack. A shoe tree might stretch them a little.
Hunter Boots Size Guide
Keep in mind that sizes among the various Hunter boots may vary slightly. Because it’s a British company, they size boots a little differently than in the United States. United Kingdom sizes are two sizes smaller than in the U.S. They will usually list both sizes plus EU and Japanese shoe sizes.
Are Hunter Boots Good For Wide Calves?
They do have a boot specifically for people with wider calves. The adjustable model may be what you’re looking for. The adjustable boot when fully extended has a calf circumference of 15.8 inches. For those with extremely thick legs, the wide leg boot has a calf circumference of a hair more than sixteen inches.
Can You Adjust Hunter Boots?
There is an adjustable model with a buckled gusset on the back. It comes in a variety of styles and colors. Most other models are not adjustable unless it has “adjustable” in the name.
Breaking In Hunter Boots
To increase flexibility in the toe joint area you should bend the soles of the boots one way and the other for a few times each day. Wear them for a few minutes every day to get a feel for them.
Wear them for thirty to sixty minutes a day before you decide to try them on mud. Wear a pair of thick socks while the boots are being broken in. Use magazines or boot trees to help the boots keep their shape when you’re not wearing them.
Can You Wear Hunter Boots When It’s Not Raining?
When it’s not raining, Hunter boots can make good statement boots, particularly if you get bright colored ones. Kate and Wills were seen wearing them while strolling on a Welsh beach so they’re good to wear anyplace that might be damp. A wool coat or plaid scarf will add to the British chic look.
Can You Wear Hunter Boots In The Summer?
A lot of people like to wear them to fairs and festivals in the summer if it’s been raining. Just remember to dress light otherwise.
Are Hunter Boots Heavy?
The typical Hunter Boot is fairly heavy. A women’s Hunter original tall rain boot weighs about four pounds and three ounces. However, Hunter does make a packable tour boot for traveling.
Are Hunter Boots Comfortable?
Middling. There is some cushioning on the bottom to make them fairly comfortable but they are stiff and clunky. You can wear them for a long time, but you wouldn’t really want to. They might not be so bad to wear if Dobbin is carrying you around all day.
Are Hunter Boots Good For Walking?
They aren’t good for long treks, but they are fine for short walks in damp conditions. They will keep your feet and calves dry.
Can You Hike In Hunter Boots?
It doesn’t seem like a good idea. They’re not very breathable at all and the traction is only so-so. They’re better for short walks.
Are Hunter Boots Vegan?
Natural latex rubber comes from trees. While Hunter does use animal products in some specialized models like the Sherpa, their iconic flagship products are nothing but rubber through and through.
Are Hunter Boots Snake Proof?
Close-fitting rubber will not protect you from a snake bite. You want something thicker and looser. Necessity is the mother of invention here. The UK just doesn’t have many venomous snakes.
Despite what pious legends you may have heard there never were any snakes, let alone dragons (wyrms, some of the tales call them) in Ireland, Wales, or England. There is a venomous adder in Scotland but tries to avoid people and the bite only kills people who are pretty weak to start with.
Tall Vs. Short Hunter Boots
The shaft of the tall boots measures sixteen inches. For most legs, this is up to just below the knee. The short boots are about ten inches and usually come up to mid-calf. The tall boots are warmer but the short ones have more mobility. It really depends on what you like and what purpose you have for your boots.
Hunter Boots Glossy Vs. Matte
If you’re being practical, the matte finish is best for taking on mud and grime. The glossy finish is for making a fashion statement. And your statement is “I like looking at my reflection on my feet.”
Hunter Vs. UGG Rain Boots
The UGG is lined with shearling and will keep your feet warm. However, they are made out of suede that isn’t as good for wet conditions as latex rubber. The Hunter boots are for rain and mud. UGGs are for keeping warm.
Are Hunter Boots Unisex?
They are available in sizes for men, women, and children.
Why Do Hunter Boots Turn White?
This is known as “blooming”. Natural rubber under certain conditions has insoluble particles that may rise to the surface. It’s rather common and harmless.
How Do You Fix Hunter Boots That Bloom?
Shining them up will bring them back to a pristine finish. Give them a good buffing to make them shine.
How To Fix Peeling Hunter Boots?
It doesn’t look like there is a way. A couple of years ago, there were massive complaints that Hunter boots peeled too easily and they had terrible customer service as well. Here’s hoping things improved.
How To Clean Hunter Boots?
First, wipe them off with a dry cloth. Next, remove any blooming with a damp cloth. You should then buff the boots in a circular motion using a Hunter Rubber Buffer with the cotton cloth. Polish as needed.
Do Hunter Boots Ever Go On Sale?
They recently had a half off sale for online shoppers. When they do go on sale, it’s often a short-lived sale so get them while you can.
Are Hunter Boots Guaranteed For Life?
They are covered by a two-year warranty.
How Can You Tell If Hunter Boots Are Fake?
Check the logo on the front. “Hunter” should be printed in bold, black block letters on a white rectangle-shaped label with a red border. The vulcanized rubber outsoles should be decorated with a zigzag pattern with deep treads. Genuine rubber should feel rather hefty.
Are Hunter Boots A Good Investment?
Hunter boots are a classic. That means, barring worldwide plagues, they will never go out of style. They also last a good long time so they are a good investment.
Are Hunter Boots Worth It?
Hunter has stepped up their game. They improved their product and customer service. For their posh reputation, they aren’t mad expensive. You won’t be paying Wal-Mart prices, of course.
You will be paying three figures, but the first figure will be a one. Compared to pricier designer boots and less expensive ones that don’t deliver, they could be worth it.
The original Hunter boot is made more for rain than snow. However, if you take a look at Hunter’s web site you are sure to find a Hunter for every occasion.