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Basketball is such a high-intensity and competitive sport that you need shoes for traction on the court. These shoes help you run up and down blacktop or hardwood floors due to the elasticity and the heavier nature to protect your feet. However, it may not be the best for a 10-mile run. Here are some reasons why you should wear basketball shoes.
Benefits of Basketball Shoes
Good for Overweight People
While running shoes are lighter, they may not be the best for people overweight. Basketball shoes offer a level of protection not seen in other footwear. Extra support and ankle protection are needed when running or moving in different ways on the court. This keeps you looking fashionable while remaining functional.
If you’re someone who’s just getting back into running, basketball shoes are perfect because you’re not running long distances. A few miles is acceptable, and it’s better when you’re chubby to have that added cushion to keep your feet from getting fatigued.
Helps Absorb Shock
Chances are you’re not just running in your basketball shoes. You’re jumping and rebounding the ball as well. Running shoes can’t handle high leaps and heavy activity that places a lot of pressure on your feet.
Basketball shoes have extra padding to help absorb the shock from jumping and landing on the asphalt or hardwood floor. Gravity makes the shock to your feet weigh down a few times harder on the landing. You don’t want to wear lighter shoes that may break your ankles when you land down hard.
The added support helps you focus on your game, and you won’t feel like your feet will fall off from each rebound, jump shot, layup, or dunk.
Perfect Fit for Your Feet
You want b-ball shoes that fit perfectly for your feet. No slack in the shoe would cause fewer accidents on the court or while you’re running for a short distance. Make sure to tie your shoes tightly to keep your basketball sneakers in place.
Since they’re heavier, they need to be close to your feet. The better they fit, the more you’ll be able to run in this type of footwear.
Has Different Cuts for Specific Purposes
If you love wearing basketball shoes, you’ll know that there’s a difference between high-top and low-top basketball shoes.
High top basketball shoes are perfect for the colder seasons as it provides extra protection for your ankles. Not to mention, it’ll be a bit warmer when you’re moving up and down the court. You don’t want to be in a position where you’re running backward or forward guarding someone, and you tweak your ankle.
If you’re a bit more of an experienced ballplayer, low-top ball sneakers may be more your style. It’s perfect for the summertime because you’ll have more breathability and movement. If you’re a flashier player, these come in handy to help you maneuver quickly.
Great for Moving in All Directions
Running shoes are great for moving in one direction for long periods. If you love playing basketball, those types of shoes are great for going in different directions.
You may be running up and down the court, or you need to make a quick pivot into a fast break. You’ll have traction to help your feet stay on the court.
Additionally, the midfoot area has a lighter sole to help your feet feel more comfortable moving at a moment’s notice. It’s perfect when you’re guarding a scorer or need to make a fast move for the basket.
Perfect for Indoor Use
While basketball shoes are good on the blacktop, they’re best for use on a smooth indoor court. If you plan to run less than 5 miles, an indoor track works well. It’s great to get a training session in before basketball practice or a game.
Additionally, it helps keeps the wear and tear down. If you’re using your basketball shoes only for the court, it’ll help them stay in good shape for the long term. Also, you’ll have the tread intact to get the most out of your basketball sneakers for games, practices, and leisure time.
Disadvantages of Basketball Shoes
Too Heavy for Runners
When you’re running long distances, you don’t want a shoe to weigh you down. People that train for marathons or do track and field use running shoes because of their lightweight. They know they’re going in a single direction for usually more than 5 miles.
A basketball shoe is ideal for moving quickly in short distances and move in different directions. Basketball shoes would lose their traction from running too frequently throughout the week. Not to mention, this may be a cause for injury over time due to fatigue.
You’re already putting so much stress on the body that you don’t want to overdo it with something that potentially harms your lower body.
Doesn’t Allow for Flexibility
Basketball shoes have too much of a snug fit. While that’s great for sticking and moving on the court, it’s not the best for running for a long time. Running shoes have a better midsole and outsole that’ll make it easier on your body to go for a run.
It’ll help you keep your ankles and calves strong throughout your running session. Also, the soft tissues and muscles in your feet will be less prone to degenerating. While basketball has a nice cushion, it’s not flexible enough for extensive runs.
Not playing ball on the proper surface is counterproductive as it’ll wear down the shoe and make your feet more prone to injury. Running shoes have a unique design to flex how your foot naturally bends and arches. It comes in handy when you’re on trails or pavement that may be a bit jagged.
More Friction on Your Feet
Since basketball shoes have a tighter fit, they’re better for quick and sharp movements. While this is good when jumping or pivoting in close quarters, it’s not good for a half-marathon run outside. Running shoes have better heel support and can absorb the brunt of your run.
If you’re wearing basketball shoes for more than 10 miles a week, your heel could see unsightly blisters. Also, this doesn’t take into account what type of basketball shoe you have on your feet. You may have a high top if you’re a center, a mid for more versatile play, or a low to help you be a shooting or point guard.
All of this plays a factor in the type of shoe you need on and off the court. It’s best to run on surfaces made for basketball, such as indoor and outdoor basketball courts. Concrete is no-go because of how it’ll harm your heels after a while.
May Place More Stress on Your Body
Basketball shoes handle shock impact best on the court because they have more cushion for jumping and landing. However, running has more foot placement. When you’re in your stride, you need that balance to keep the stress off your feet.
Let’s say you’re training for 3-4 months for a race that includes running, jumping, and other things on different surfaces. B-ball shoes may not be the most conducive to handle running on various terrain. As a result, it won’t absorb the impact of rough pavement.
You may twist your foot in a certain way, which won’t flow correctly with your body’s natural movement. That slight stutter or slip can cause a severe leg injury. Basketball shoes don’t have the bendable aspect of running shoes that can lead to pulling your ligaments.
It’s imperative to choose flexible shoes when running on an unpaved territory to help reduce impact and make sure your foot flexes naturally. Basketball shoes are perfect for running short distances on courts but not meant for rugged turf. Choose the right shoes for the specific sport or activity you plan to do.